Downsizing your homeDoes your home seem too big for your current circumstances? If so, you are not alone. Baby Boomers especially are finding that they don’t need such a large home anymore. Many people who are thinking about retirement are also looking for ways to economize a bit, and a lower mortgage payment from a smaller home looks inviting. If you are thinking about downsizing your home, here are some tips to make the job easy.

Decide what you want your future to be like.

Do you want your life to stay pretty much the same but just live in a smaller house in the same neighborhood? Or, do you want to live in your own home in a retirement community where residents have many amenities available to them? Perhaps you want to live nearer to the center of town so that most…

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Congratulations on your home purchase, Andy and Ashley!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Andy moved to Durham from Reno with his wife, Ashley, who is a 1st year resident at Duke University. Working with Andrew Palumbo, they found a home that needed a little bit of work, but they really appreciated the professionals that Andrew recommended to help them through everything. They really appreciated the fact that he took the stress out of the process, from start to finish. 

Here's what they loved most about working with Andrew. 

  • Transparent, upfront, and honest
  • Flexible schedule 
  • Very caring and sincere

The My NC Homes team is so happy to see that these two found a home that they love, and that they're happy with the services that we…

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 Congratulation on your first home, Brian and Latoya!

Brian moved to the area to complete grad school a few years ago. Once his schooling was finished, they decided that they loved the area so much that they wanted to set up some permanent roots here. They got in touch with our agent, Andrew Palumbo, to help them buy their very first home, and this is what they say that they love most about working with him. 

  • No Pressure
  • Available anytime
  • Very knowledgeable 

The My NC Homes team is so happy to see that these two found a great home for their needs, and we look forward to working with them again in the future. If you're thinking about buying your first home in Durham, Cary, or Chapel Hill, trust the My NC Home team to help…

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Inheriting homes from parents

You have inherited a house from your parents or some other elderly relative. So now what do you do? The ultimate answer will depend on a number of factors such as whether you are the sole inheritor, if the home is nearby, the wishes and needs of your spouse or children, and your current financial situation. But you really have three options. You can live in the home, rent it out, or sell it.

Do you need to go through probate?

If received title to the house from the executor, you don’t have to worry about probate. That has already been handled by the executor. If you are the executor, then you will have to check out probate. If the home is located in North Carolina, the house will have to go through probate unless it is owned jointly with rights…

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Durham & Chapel Hill real estate market update - Spring 2016So here we are again at the beginning of another spring market in the Durham/Chapel Hill area. The azalea's are in bloom, despite abnormally low temperatures, and things are looking beautiful. It's a great time to go out and start your home search, or is it?

Over the last few years the real estate market in our area has gotten tougher and tougher for buyers in Durham and Chapel Hill. We are seeing very little inventory and prices are going up up up. For example, in Orange County, year over year, the median sales price is up 34.8% and inventory is sitting at a 4 month supply, where 6 months is considered a balanced market. Durham county is up 17.1 % and inventory is sitting at a staggering low of 1.9 months of supply. So some buyers are asking…

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Why get pre-approved for a mortgage before looking at homes“Why do I need to get Pre-Approved?” is a question we get asked almost every day at My NC Homes when we speak with perspective home buyers. Some tell us "I went online and know I’m qualified". While that might be the case, it's important to understand the differences between Pre-Qualification and Pre-Approval when it comes to the mortgage process.

The Differences Between Pre-Qualification & Pre-Approval

Two often confused terms in the home buying process are a mortgage pre-qualification and a mortgage pre-approval. Even some loan officers and real estate agents will use the terms incorrectly or may not fully understand the difference between the two. If you are looking to buy a home in the Durham/Chapel Hill/Cary area it is critical that you get…

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Best Dog Home

Is your dog a beloved family member? I know our dog Hank (pictured below) is. Most people love their pets as much as a family member, and they continually shower their dogs with love and affection. Now, many homeowners are going all out and altering their homes to meet the needs and perceived desires of their dogs. Talk about a dog's life!

So how are people modifying their homes to cater to the needs of their dogs? You might be surprised. Some are building dog rooms in their homes. They use an extra bedroom, den, or bonus room and outfit it to make their beloved pet feel like a king. They equip the room with a nice dog bed, comfortable dog-size furniture, a dressing table, dog toys, a feeding station, and often a dog shower and grooming station.…

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Cleaning up your landscaping and boosting curb appealSpring is in the air. It’s time for a little spring cleaning to set the stage for summer. This is the perfect time to spruce up the landscaping. Here is a list to get you started.

Debris Removal is the Key to a Healthy Green Lawn

Walk around the property and remove any fallen branches and other debris that have landed on the grass or in the flowerbeds. Rake up dead leaves from the grass and garden areas. Dead leaves will prevent the grass from growing. You can grind up the leaves and branches for mulch, or dispose of them according to the regulations in your community.

Spruce Up Your Trees & Shrubs

Trim damaged tree limbs. Proper treatment of damaged limbs will prevent the tree from dying. If you lack the skill or equipment, hire a…

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