Four Things You Should Know About Your House
Posted by Larry Tollen on
Whether you are a new homeowner or have owned your home for years, here are four things you should know about your house. You will be glad you know about them in an emergency.
Water Shut-off Valves
There are several water shut-off valves that you should be familiar with. There is usually a shut-off valve at each sink and toilet. So, if there is a problem, such as a clogged drain or a faucet that won’t stop running, you can shut off the water at that source until the repair can be made.
There is also a water shut-off valve for the whole house. When a pipe breaks and water starts gushing, you need to turn off the house shut-off valve to stop the water flow. Make sure you know where this valve is.
Finally, there is usually a street water valve.…
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