What You Need To Know About Buying Foreclosures
Posted by Larry Tollen on
Buying Foreclosures; not a week that goes by that I don’t receive one or more calls or e-mails from hopeful buyers and/or investors wanting to buy a bank-owned property (a foreclosure). I always start the conversation with a simple question, “Why do you want to buy a foreclosure?” More often than not I get a version of the following as an answer. “The price. I know foreclosures are a good deal.” As someone who specializes in buyer brokering, I will admit I inwardly cringe a little every time I hear this as I rarely find foreclosures to be the deal most people think they are.
My Experiences With Foreclosed Properties:
I've been a full-time real estate broker for more than twenty-four years and have been buying and selling real estate for over…
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